Mulling Over Next Moves

Hello All,

It’s been a little bit of time since I have posted on here. I have been living in Burlington, Vermont for that last few months with my wife. We left Massachusetts because I can never spend more than a year there without growing tired of the area. This is likely due to the fact that I have spent 19 out of my 36 years on this earth there in some capacity. So, we decided to pack up and head north. This is the 3rd time I have lived in the Burlington area and it has always treated me well. The people of Vermont are mostly friendly and accepting. However, as a photographer and a media professional the options are limited. Due to this I believe that my time here will be coming to a close relatively shortly. The summer time in Burlington is a blissful, and shire-like experience that I will be pleased to enjoy one last time. However, the winters are particularly brutal. I don’t know how many times I have to swear off northeast winters before it finally sticks. One of the reasons I moved up to this place initially was to spend time with my best friend from childhood. I snapped a portrait of him at an Alex Cameron concert a few weeks back. Thanks for reading.